Stand Up Paddleboarding

Get out on the water

Stand Up Paddleboarding has soared in popularity, and it’s easy to understand why. It's fun, easy to pick up, and a great way to get out on the water and enjoy yourself. It’s great for all ages and a fabulous family activity.

What's involved:

  • Suitable for experienced paddlers, or trying paddle boarding for the first time

  • Perfect for groups, couples, or individuals

  • Your instructors will be close at hand to give you tips and help you master your technique

  • There’s only ever one watersports activity running at a time, so you’ll get plenty of space to practice


  • Ages 8+
  • 1 hour
  • The Lake
  • Adult required
  • March - September
Stand Up Paddle Boarding Group
Two Men Paddleboarding
Hand Paddle The Paddleboard
Paddleboard On Lake Kneeling
Walking To The Lake To Paddleboard
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