Bluestone becomes the first hospitality resort in Wales to switch to 100% renewable BioLPG

BioLPG conversion will cut Bluestone’s carbon footprint from gas by 99%


As part of its continued push toward Net Zero, Bluestone National Park Resort in Pembrokeshire has become the first hospitality company in Wales to go ‘100% bio’ - virtually wiping out its carbon emissions from gas in the process.


The resort uses around 50 tonnes of gas a year to cook in its restaurants and heat the water in its award-winning spa - but by switching to a renewable alternative made from plant and vegetable waste, it will slash its annual carbon emissions by 185 tonnes.


Government figures say a litre of standard Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) emits 1.56kg of greenhouse gases, while emissions from a litre of BioLPG are negligible, at just 2.14g. Consequently, by committing to meet its needs with Bio rather than standard LPG, Bluestone is reducing its carbon footprint from gas by over 99%.


The company is working with Calor, the UK’s leading LPG and BioLPG supplier, on the project. Calor are currently assessing the UK market viability of BioLPG in the hospitality sector and offering the renewable solution on a case-by-case basis.


“Committing to 100% BioLPG is a significant milestone not only for Bluestone in our efforts to reduce our contribution to climate change, but for the UK hospitality industry as a whole, which is a major user of LPG gas,” said Marten Lewis, Head of Corporate Responsibility at Bluestone.


“BioLPG is more expensive than standard LPG, but we are serious about reducing our emissions, and committing to BioLPG is one of many steps Bluestone is taking toward a low-carbon future.”


Alastair Lovell, Head of Sustainable Fuels at Calor, said: “The CO2 savings that BioLPG brings are through the way it is produced. Standard LPG is a by-product of the natural gas extraction and refining industries. Bio LPG, on the other hand, is made from waste, residues and sustainably sourced renewable vegetable oils.


“Calor’s BioLPG is produced by Neste, the world leader in advanced biofuels, and is then supplied by us via our parent company – SHV Energy. It is manufactured in a custom-built production unit in Rotterdam and is a co-product of the ground-breaking NEXBTL biodiesel production process.’’


“Every drop of BioLPG is tracked. We add BioLPG to our existing LPG network and receive 'Green Gas credits' that we apply to each of our green customers. The more BioLPG that we add to our network, the more Green Gas credits we can offer for our customers.


“The Green Gas Certification Scheme ensures traceability of all green gas delivered to and used up by our customers while also highlighting the amount of CO2 saved by all of our brilliant renewable tariff customers.’’